
Boy Scouts Troop 414
Are you prepared to provide first aid to a family member or neighbor when the need arises?  Can you set up a tent and build a campfire?  Can confidently swim or handle a canoe in open water?  Have you spent a night out in the wild and cooked your own meals with your friends?  Can you survive in the wilderness?
If these and activities like this interest you, Boy Scout Troop 414 might be for you!  Boys in grades 6 through 12  (ages 11- 18) can become a Scout.

Boy Scout Troop 414 strives to provide a program and environment in which young men can learn and practice life skills, develop the tools of leadership, and grow into responsible citizens with a deep appreciation of our Catholic Faith.  Our Troop has been a continuously chartered Troop for over 50 years, with a rich history of community service, outdoor adventures and activities, resulting in a many of young men achieving Scouting’s highest honor – Eagle Scout.
We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm; and schedule at least one outdoor activity each month.  For more information on our Troop and how to become a Scout, e-mail us

Cub Scout Pack 414
For boys and girls grades K-5
Chartered since 1959 by St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Pack 414 has a tradition of serving the boys and girls of our church and school.  Our dedicated, active parents create a safe, fun atmosphere for our cubs to develop strong character traits, learn leadership skills and experience adventure.Our Pack consists of Scouts and families, all of whom attend our events and outings. Besides Pack and Den Meetings, our Scouts enjoy overnight camping outings and day trips to zoos, science centers and museums! 

Scouts participate in age appropriate activities from field trips for our younger groups, to hikes and woodworking for our older youth. All our Scouts enjoy a variety of group activities under adult guidance, such as Raingutter Regattas and the famous Pinewood Derby! Join us for our next outing!  For more information or to sign up, contact us –

Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts offer a variety of activities which include: outdoor outings, camping, physical activities, art, STEM, and leadership development. St. Stanislaus Girl Scout troops include Daisy (grades K-1), Brownie (grades 2-3), Junior (grades 4-5), Cadette (grades 6-8), Senior (grades 10,11), and Ambassador (grades 11-12). Troops meet either weekly or biweekly for 1 hour on Sunday. 

All Girl Scout Troops are volunteer based and have two or more leaders per troop. All volunteers are registered with Girl Scouts and have their clearances through the state and the Catholic VIRTUS system.  Most current leaders have been active for 5 years or more. 

For more information or to volunteer, please call Meg Garner at 267-467-5831!