Become a Catholic

RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation
If you, a family member, or a friend are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please consider joining our parish’s RCIA program. The RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, and it addresses the fundamental questions that we all have, based on our common human experience. The program is an introduction to Catholic teaching and is focused on growing in relationship with Jesus Christ, by participating in a small faith-sharing community.
If you are a non-Catholic, or if you have been baptized but have not yet received any other sacraments, or if you are a practicing Catholic who wants to go deeper in learning about your faith, then RCIA could be a helpful step on your faith journey. Attending the program does not require a firm commitment right now, but is merely an opportunity to “come and see” what God might be calling you to.
Sessions will take place every Wednesday evening, from September through May, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the Parish Center, starting on September 15. Please join us if you are interested, either as a new inquirer exploring the possibility of becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church, or as a team member who is currently practicing the faith but wanting to learn more and to help others on their journey. For more information, contact Deacon Tony Bellitto at 215-783-2946 or by email at

RCIA gradually uncovers the story of God’s salvation for all; the mystery of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection; and the workings of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the beliefs, sacramental life and spiritual practices of the Catholic Church. The initiation  is a gradual process that takes place within the community of the faithful and in accordance with the Church’s liturgical year.
 The disciples came to discover the meaning of their lives and that Jesus was the Savior through the experience of their friendship with Him and by staying with Him even when they didn’t understand what Jesus was saying. Jesus continues to attract and form disciples through this same method today through His mystical body, the Church. What is needed are not teachers but witnesses – people who demonstrate by their “way” of life that their relationship with Christ is what gives life, all of life, “life” – fullness, meaning, purpose, and direction. If you are interested in journeying with those who have become awakened by an encounter with Christ or are seeking a way, for yourself, to be renewed in your own relationship with the Lord and to see Him alive in the Church, please consider joining the R.C.I.A. “Team”.