St. Stan’s CYO is now a joint CYO Program called Mater Dei CYO and is open to all parishioners of St. Stan’s. Mater Dei CYO is a joint program that includes St. Stan’s, St. Maria Goretti, and St. Rose Parishes.
Please visit the Mater Dei CYO page here.
Evangelization Committee
The Evangelization Committee sponsors a variety of different parish activities, including the annual Valentine’s dinner for married couples, the Christmas book gift program, and the monthly “10-minute Catechism” after the 9:00am Sunday Mass. The committee is also involved in coordinating special programs. The committee meets on the second Thursday of each month. For more information, contact Deacon Tony Bellitto at 215-783-2946 or
Festival and Garage Sale
Please visit the Festival and Garage Sale page here.
The Gardening Group meets every Wednesday morning, weather permitting, at 8:45am from Easter through Halloween to tend the grounds around the Church. (Flowers only; no lawn care.) The Gardening Group has won several awards from both the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and area gardening associations. Our goal is to make the Church grounds beautiful and to attract people in our community to St. Stanislaus Church. If you are interested in helping, contact Jeanne-Marie Motley at 215-450-0042
Knights of Columbus Pius IX Council
Serves Saint Stanislaus and Saint Maria Goretti parishes. Visit for information or contact Ray Peacock at 215-855-2171 or email
Legacy Committee
The Legacy Committee plans and organizes special events throughout the year, that has included Monte Carlo Night, Vacation House Raffle, Fall Pig Roast, Afternoon Tea, and more! If interested in joining in on the fun, contact Helen Daly at
New Beginnings For Widows and Widowers
New Beginnings affords anyone who is widowed the opportunity to associate with people from similar circumstances in a supportive environment through activities, events, and travel. This group meets the third Thursday of every month, September through June, at 7pm in the Parish Center. A $20 fee is charged to cover refreshments and activities for the year. For more information, contact Nancy at 267-474-5988.
Respect Life Committee
We proclaim the Pro-Life message of the Catholic Church, giving witness to the Gospel of Life in word and deed. In the words of Pope John Paul II, “Today…the Church must, with clarity and patience, strongly uphold the Right to Life of everyone, especially of those not yet born, who therefore need special protection.” This committee promotes programs on all life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty and AIDS. Its members promote the annual Respect Life Sunday and the March for Life in Washington, D.C. The committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 8pm in the Parish Center. Call Jeanne-Marie Motley with interest or questions: 215-450-0042 or email
Please visit the Scouts page here.
Senior Club
Our Senior Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month, September through June, at 12:30pm in the Parish Center. The group sponsors occasional, exciting bus trips to various locations and shows. Trips are not just for seniors — all are welcome to participate. For more information please call Nancy Blackburn at 267-474-5988. We welcome new participants!
Welcoming Committee
The Welcoming Committee meets once a month to explore ways to help our parishioners get to know each other and to make our Church more welcoming. These meetings also include planning for events sponsored by the committee. We welcome new members and new ideas. For information, contact Sharon Bellitto at 267-446-1365 email or Bonnie and John Henry at 267-449-1584, or email